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Gas Analysis Workshop 2013 Copenhagen

Gas Analysis Workshop 2013 - tar & sulphur sampling and analysis

Following the successful workshop on tar analysis 2011 in Berlin and the gas analysis workshop in Milan in 2013, we decided to continue this work and bring again analytical questions regarding the analysis of gases from thermochemical processes into discussion and debate in a workshop.

The fruitful discussions encourage us to go on with this so far voluntary work and to get ahead in advancing in processing biomass.

workshop program

flyer of the Workshop

introductory talks

title author(s) affiliation city country
1 Introduction to BRISK N. Fricker IFRF UK
2 Introduction to the workshop Y. Neubauer TU Berlin Berlin Germany
3 Tar measurements - developments towards further standardisation W. DeJong TU Delft Delft Netherlands
4 Sulfur Measurement S. Biollaz PSI Villigen Switzerland

standardization of measurement methods - an approach towards improving CEN/TS 15439

title author(s) affiliation city country
5 VTT's observations on tar measurements M. Reinikainen VTT Espoo Finland
6 Fundamentals of tar protocol like measurements M. Kleinhappl Bioenergy2020+ Graz Austria

host sites for common measurement campaigns

title author(s) affiliation city country
7 Introduction to host sites S. Biollaz PSI Villigen Switzerland
8 PSI host site S. Biollaz PSI Villigen Switzerland
9 ECN host site J. Kuipers ECN Petten Netherlands
10 KIT host site A. Niebel KIT Karlsruhe Germany
11 Possibilities for measurements at VTT M. Reinikainen VTT Espoo Finland
12 Conclusions of the workshop N. Fricker IFRF UK

Poster presentations

title author(s) affiliation city country
A A promising new on-line method of tar quantification by mass spectrometry during steam gasification of biomass F. Defoort, S. Thiery, S. Ravel, F. Labalette, M. Campargue CEA, DRT, LITEN/DTBH/LTB Grenoble France
B Mechanisms and facts in accumulative sampling of condensable and volatile organics: substance/interceptor/mass transfer <--> equilibrium M. Kleinhappl Bioenergy2020+ Graz Austria
C Analytical strategies for tar characterization in an LT-CFB gasifier Zsuzsa Sárossy a, Helge Egsgaard a, Jesper Ahrenfeldt a, Ulrik B. Henriksen a, Benny Gøbel b a Risø DTU, b Power New Bio Solutions, DONG Energy Power Roskilde Denmark
D Fluidized Bed Research Facilities for Gasification at IFK A. Gredinger, N. Armbrust, D. Schweitzer, M. Beirow, H. Dieter, G. Scheffknecht University Stuttgart Stuttgart Germany
E Capture efficiency and completeness in accumulative sampling with solvents: measurable descriptors? Markus Kleinhappl, Johannes Zeisler Bioenergy2020+ Graz Austria
F Impactor measurements in Tar laden hot raw gas for Biomass Gasifiers Mohit Pushp1,2, Kent Davidsson2, 1 SP Technical & Research Institute of Sweden, Boras, 2 Gothenburg University Boras, Gothenburg Sweden
G Tar sampling and analysis according to CEN/TS 15439. CENER experience improving sampling & quantification Javier Gil, Ibai Funcia, Sergio Marin, Inés Echeverría CENER Navarra Spain
H Tar sampling and analysis methods Mozhgan Ahmadi Svensson, Truls Liljedahl, Klas Engvall KTH Stockholm Sweden
I New methods and developments on syngas pollutants analysis E. Basset 1, F. Defoort 2, C. Coulpier 1, S. Thierry 2, S. Ravel 2, F. Fallot 1, M. André 1, Y. Kara 1, O. Guerrini 1 1 GDF-Suez, 2 CEA Lyon, Grenoble France
gaw_2013_copenhagen.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/01 23:37 by york