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Gas Analysis Workshop Stockholm 2017

Date: June 16th 2017
Venue: Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden

workshop program

flyer of the workshop


title author(s) affiliation city country
1 Welcome and introduction to workshop, working group and framework conditions Y. Neubauer TU Berlin Berlin Germany
2 Recent work in gasification at KTH E. Kantarelis KTH Stockholm Sweden
3 Syngas measurement at IFK Stutgart
Whats our status? What are we interested in?
M. Schmid IFK, University Stuttgart Stuttgart Germany
4 Development and Validation of SPA at Chalmers Energiteknik M. Seemann Chalmers University Gothenburg Sweden
5 Gas analysis report for IEA Task 33 - Guideline for researchers, technology developers and operators G. Aranda ECN Petten Netherlands
gas_analysis_workshop_2017_stockholm.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/06 14:31 by york_neubauer